Happy with email generated sales.

Email is the best platform to generate Sales!

Meenal jain


Email marketing is the most effective digital technique!

But if you think that email marketing is dead, you’re missing out on the important metrics.

Email marketing is a strong part of marketing and is probably the best possible strategy for your and anyone’s business. If you really do it correctly, it does wonders for your brand.

Email is the best platform that you have missed to generate Sales!

The more email subscribers you have, the better your brand feels, so get people to sign up, and give them a good treat! What, you don’t know about that? Something about deals? Black Friday deals? Or maybe Easter Sunday deals?

All these are extremely good email strategies if you are targeting your email residents.

You can make email strategies that might attract signups as:

  • Drop a contest, giveaway, competition, or prize draw. Ask for email signups within your giveaways or competitions.
  • Newsletter signup form, keep it short. Really short. Like maybe just ask for the email address. And little more just ask to add a Full name.

Some social media sites make it easy to add a newsletter signup option on your social networking page. Fb has numerous third-party apps that let you add email signup, by custom tab options.

Also read: Did you just know that there are 3.5x more email accounts than of Fb & Twitter accounts combined?

The new way to chat with your prospective customers.

Email marketing is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating out all social media, Seo, video marketing, and affiliate marketing.

So building a successful email marketing campaign is important for the business. But there’s a problem — most people don’t know how to do it right.

Email marketing is that evergreen channel which is usually very effective in many sectors

That’s why it’s important each year to assess new email marketing techniques and the email capabilities you are exploiting.


Also, design the newsletter effectively, and add catchy heading on top of that to attract the customers or to get attention So that they hit the sign up button.

With the right technology in place, email is a powerful digital marketing tool that can totally alter the relationship a brand has with its consumers to the core.

Machine learning development has made email a more powerful tool than ever before. This strategy has allowed us to lift the lid on consumer behavior and strengthen the bond between the brand and the consumer at every available touchpoint.

email newsletter.

Many successful brands implementing:

  • Easy-to-understand consent confirmation campaigns
  • Innovations in email rendering
  • Device friendly emails
  • Advances in the way emails are coded
  • Intelligent personalization
  • Sophisticated segmentation
  • More effective subject lines
  • Better customer experiences

Smart marketers know that when executed properly, there is a no faster, best possible, easier, or more cost-effective way to generate sales than email marketing.

Remember, You’re a guest in their mailbox

People are overwhelmed or bombarded with interruptions, pitches, and advertisements everywhere they look.

However you might think your email is special, there’s a high probability that to the reader, it looks the same as the rest.

Getting into someone’s inbox is like being invited to their home for dinner as a guest. If they ask you to take your shoes off, you respectfully do so.

So like common values, you should respect their privacy and if you‘re offering something unique, then only approach.


Email competes with paid and organic search amongst the main channels driving orders. Email marketing delivers far higher volumes than PPC (9%) or display marketing (8%).

Some common ways to persuade people to sign up include:

  • Update lists, like new releases and product updates
  • Email series
  • Free downloads
  • Free white papers or eBooks

Yes, there’s Skype and there’s Slack, there are many other communication channels, but businesses still revolve around email, and if they still use it, that means, if you get an email in their inboxes and they read it, you can generate sales.

Proper email address for proper email campaign!
Take a proper Email address.

Email addresses like, these kinds of email addresses give your recipient the feeling that you don’t want to talk to them. That’s bad for building customer relationships. Instead, use an email address like or something like

This encourages your readers to respond to you and build relations with the brand, also email providers will see this as a good thing.

Move forward with great content

Why do you need a welcome email sequence?

Welcome email? A first impression.

It should be informative, clear, and actionable. Some might work great for your business, and some might not. Testing is highly encouraged.

It’s important to make a good first impression online while interacting with your (potential) customers. A welcome email sequence is used to create a good subscriber experience. You want the subscriber to stay attached to your brand, so keep the conversation going on and start with a warm welcome.

While connecting through the time the next important step -Did you make any promises in your recent emails (selected pages)? In your welcome email sequence, it’s time to fulfill those promises. Check out some examples in which we cover a range of approaches to welcome emails.

Welcome email template sample of GoodEggs!
Welcome, Email template Sample of Tattly!
Welcome mail sequence template by Mail charts.

In the above examples, they are showcasing the tiniest of elements in a welcome email which speaks volumes about a brand.

The Goodeggs show a line ‘The simplest way to feed your family well, all week long’ this is a familiar way of pitching and on top of it, they are giving discounts on their first order itself.

Tattly is showcasing a picture with design & tattoos which is grabbing the total attention of the audience with a smile. And then we are talking about the most liked and picked products. The Mailchimp also provided the information to unsubscribe the emails from the Tattly if you do not want emails from their side.

“Perhaps no company has done more to elevate temporary tattoos to wearable art than Tattly” - New York Times.

Mail charts having no fancy design work, no videos, no photos. The welcome email sent out after signing up for their newsletter is in the form of minimalism. However, new users usually want to know how your product or service works before diving in. And so they are talking about your account and how you can upgrade it, they are giving best upon their services.

Well, you’re not running an email list just for the fun’s sake, you’re there to engage customers and want to make sales.

DigitalMarketer offers Up-To-Date digital marketing tactics and strategies. They used a welcome email sequence to keep new subscribers interested. They explain the importance of keeping up-to-date with their email sequence and give some more in-depth information. They immediately invite new subscribers. They offer several gifts and emphasize the importance of keeping track of new developments & documents.

Effective Planning-

For doing it effectively, it’s a good idea to think in advance about your pitching. You don’t want to surprise everyone with a pitch all of the sudden, plan, and then apply it.

So far, top marketers seem to do this exact thing.


The secret is autoresponders.

An autoresponder automatically sends out emails that you schedule in advance, then follow up with them at preset time intervals.

By scheduling a set of emails to send in advance, you can prevent “going dark” for a time.

Frequently, companies will plan out a series of emails that automatically deliver, warming up anyone who signs up for your list, from a few days to a few months.

Email Analytics- open, forwards, prints, locations, readers, timings.

Every service provider provides complimentary analytics which is way helpful. The 3 most important to me are open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribes. These are very important. Let’s dispute each one and see what there is to grasp from it.

Look at the open rates, it’ll usually tell you how well you’ve built your relationship with your readers. Preferably, how many people are excited to read your emails and open them quickly.

Next, your Click-through rate, or CTR, shows how many people clicked on a hyperlink in your email. But all in all a healthy rate falls in the 15% range. Well, that is also too large. As if you’ve got a 40% range then for every 10 people, 4 people went on a click. That’s how CTR works.

At last, your unsubscribers rate tells you how many people have clicked through the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of your email.

Email analytics are very important & critical in that if you’re being attentive, they’ll give you very specific clues as to where you’re doing wrong. Of course, the key variable here is “being attentive.” One needs to be fully attentive while analyzing.

Email analytics tool — Email readers, sent messages, recipients, avg response time, received messages, senders.

Some important points-

  • Plan your email calendar based on upcoming holidays, birthdays, etc.
  • Find A/B test ideas in seconds.
  • View the timing and content of your competitors’ drips.
  • Export emails as screenshots or CSV files.
  • Check the health of your recent emails with their Email score.
  • Leverage affiliate advertising options
  • Host exclusive giveaways for email subscribers
  • Give your newsletter an enticing name.
  • Add an email newsletter signup option to the checkout page.

Did you just know that there are 3.5x more email accounts than of Fb & Twitter accounts combined?

